Posts Tagged ‘api’


Sun Jan 2 2011, 7:19pm

By Aaron Parecki




Minor API Changes for Anonymous Accounts

If your app is creating anonymous accounts using the Geoloqi API, there is a minor change rolling out to the API in the next couple days.

Previously, access tokens returned from user/create_anon would not expire, so no refresh token was returned. This is changing to more closely match the user/create method.

Now, access tokens will expire after the default amount of time, so you will need to store the refresh token that is returned from the create method. If you have a good reason for not wanting to manage refreshing the access token, you can request a permanent access token by using the account/permanent_token method.

Note: As with access to the create_anon method, your application will need to be pre-approved to access this method. Please email us at [email protected] to request access to this method.


Sun Oct 3 2010, 10:22pm

By Aaron Parecki




Apps built at the Tropo + Geoloqi Open Gov Hackathon

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Open Gov Hackathon today! We’re proud to announce the winners! The best app using the Tropo API went home with a Sonos Wireless Music System, and the best app using the Geoloqi API went home with an iPad!

The judging began at 6:30Pm, and everyone stopped programming. After all of the presentations were done, we discussed each app with the Tropo team and Rick Nixon of CivicApps. It was a tough decision, as the entries were extremely creative and useful!

Thanks to everyone who watched, participated, and cheered on the developers. We owe the greatest thanks to Tropo and the City of Portland, who were great supporters of the event. This won’t be the last hackathon. We will be doing this again in the future as soon as possible. If you’re interested in partnering with us for another hackathon, let us know!

Heritage Tree Quest

Winner: Best use of Tropo by @trisimon

Like PacMan for heritage trees! You go around town finding trees and collecting points. You get bonus points for collecting all trees in a neighborhood. You receive your score via an SMS from Tropo. When you’re near a tree, you can call Tropo and it will quiz you to identify it, getting you even more points! It was this clever use of the voice recognition capabilities of Tropo that made this application stand out.

Don’t Eat That!

Winner: Best use of Geoloqi by @reidab

“Don’t Eat That!” pulls health inspections from the county web page. If you use Geoloqi, you can subscribe to notifications of scores under a certain threshold for restaurants within 100 meters of your current location. You’ll get an SMS that says “What ho! You might not want to eat at Backspace, their last inspection score was 93!” That way you can gawk at dirty restaurants near you! This app will also post links to the reports as tips on Foursquare!


Honorable Mention. Finds all the bars in the business license dataset and matches them to Twitter feeds by searching Twitter lists. The map shows notification icons on the map and shows the latest tweets from every bar. A future mobile version could use the Geoloqi API to track your location and receive Geonotes for specials at bars near you.

Honorable Mention. Finds pets available for adoption from the Multnomah County Animal Services database and You can read the descriptions of the animals and send out a tweet for them. Using the Tropo API, the non-technical foster homes can call in and ask for a short update about the pet, so the shelters aren’t required to know how to use Twitter. On “Woof Wednesday” the dogs that are looking for homes will tweet their latest updates or a random pet.

We are thrilled that everyone was excited to come out and join us for a day of hacking! And special thanks to Tropo for co-sponsoring the event and to CivicApps for the great support.


Sun Oct 3 2010, 12:12pm

By Aaron Parecki




Geoloqi API Example

To quickly write an application for your Geoloqi account, you can request a permanent access token through the “Connections” screen on your account.

Once you have this access token, you don’t need to deal with refreshing the token using the standard OAuth 2 spec. You can use this access token in all requests indefinitely.

Here is an example of retrieving your user profile using the API.

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: OAuth ' . $oauth_token));
$response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));

Alternatively, you can pass the oauth token in the query string.

print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $oauth_token)));

See more API methods on the API documentation.