Posts Tagged ‘storage’


Mon Aug 19 2013, 10:10am

By Aaron Parecki




Changes to Location History Storage for Geoloqi developers

Geoloqi is all about the real-time location data that supports the Geotrigger service, but we’ve been filling up cloud after cloud with extra data we realized our customers don’t really use.

Going forward, we will stop storing the raw location data points, and instead store the trigger history only – that is, the timestamp and latitude/longitude when a trigger is fired. New Geoloqi apps created after August 13, 2013 will not store location history, and in 30 days we will stop storing new location history for existing Geoloqi apps.

How will this affect my app(s)?

Odds are, it won’t. Unless your app needs to retrieve more than the last known location of a device, you shouldn’t notice a thing. Nothing besides location history is changing.

What if historical location data is important to me?

Do you currently use or plan on using your app’s historical location data? We can turn it on/leave it on for an additional charge/fee (as our normal pricing is just for our Geotrigger Service). Just let us know!


One of our customers uses Geoloqi to track where their app users are located currently, to send them Geotriggered messages, and to look at historical data on where they went, so we will continue storing historical location data for them and others on a case by case basis. The vast majority of our customers only need Geoloqi’s core technologies for their apps: Geotriggers, real-time location tracking, and geocoding.

What’s next?

We’re currently working on an updated version of the Geoloqi platform and an entire re-haul of the API. We aim to make the API easier to use, easier to get started, and require fewer API calls to run. In addition, we’re improving battery life, accuracy and stability of the platform as the number of devices, customers and users of our system grows. Over time, we’ll also be releasing special Geotrigger tools for ArcGIS users and customers, too! We’ll let you know when we’re ready to launch! Once the new API and SDKs are launched, we’ll be publishing a migration and update guide for existing customers, and will begin a wind-down of of the original service. We will provide at least one year (if not more) for all apps to update their SDKs to the new service.


Thanks so much for being a Geoloqi customer or considering using Geoloqi for your apps! We’re here to serve you, so if you have any questions, just let us know!


Sat Jan 14 2012, 12:12pm

By Aaron Parecki




Export your places from SimpleGeo Storage to Geoloqi

This tool will allow you to transfer your SimpleGeo Storage data over to Geoloqi. It makes Geoloqi Layers for each SimpleGeo Layer, and converts Records to Geoloqi Places for each of the layers.

All you need to run the command is a Geoloqi Access Token, and the SimpleGEO OAuth Key and Secret. You can sign up for a Geoloqi account at The Geoloqi Web Site and retrieve your access token from the Geoloqi Developers site.

This script is provided as an executable via Rubygems, which means it runs on any Mac OSX computer out-of-the-box (and on any Windows/Linux machines with ruby available).


Open up a terminal and run this in the command line:

$ gem install geoloqi-simplegeo-import


Run the script from the command line:


The script will output information on the transferred data, and give you a link to our Layer Editor so you can see and edit your Layers and Places (we have a GUI interface for your data!).

Places in Geoloqi

Searching for Nearby Layers and Places

With Geoloqi you can search for nearby layers and places very easily with these two API calls:

You can experiment with running these API calls directly from cURL or from our Developers Console:

We have SDK libraries for Ruby, JavaScript, Node.JS, PHP, and more coming very, very soon.

There is a lot of other stuff you can do with Geoloqi, such as geolocation triggers/callbacks and geo-messaging. Visit our web site to read more about us (and where we’re going).


Feel free to file any issues on Github, we will respond to them as soon as possible. If you need any features here we haven’t provided, don’t hesitate to contact us.


This is a quick-fix solution. However we are planning on making a more stable, complete tool for importing data to Geoloqi from other sources (and for exporting your data out of Geoloqi). We feel it’s in your best interest to have total control of your data at all times, and we want to help you solve problems, including the problem of transferring data between your machine and cloud services.