

Fri May 6 2011, 5:17pm

By caseorganic




Gizmodo: Geoloqi Makes Constant Location Tracking Awesome Instead of Creepy

“Your iPhone knowing your every move without your knowledge and without function: bad thing. Your phone knowing your every move so that you can share it with friends, receive geotagged reminders, and keep track of travels: very, very cool”. -Sam Biddle

Today at about 3PM EST, Geoloqi was covered by Gizmodo. Our servers quickly fell under the resulting account signups and location data. We quickly worked to scale them up so that the service could be resumed. Thanks to everyone who downloaded the app! The version out now is very beta. We’re working to improve the user experience, battery life and features. If you have any suggestions, please contact us at feedback at geoloqi dot com!

What makes Geoloqi private?

Geoloqi is an “opt-in” app, meaning that it allows you full control over your location and who you share it with. We plan on rolling out many more features, which you will find in the layers section of the app. If you’d like to build your own Geoloqi layer, or an entire application based on the Geoloqi platform, you can check out the API.

Follow @geoloqi on Twitter for more!


Fri May 6 2011, 10:10am

By caseorganic




Geoloqi covered on Thrillist

Thrillist covered Geoloqi today, highlighting a bunch of fun use cases such as the following:

Drinking: Set up a pub crawl and share your journey with buddies who can see where you’re at on the route at any given moment, and join you before you slip into Amnesia.

Bus Napping: A function called Geonotes lets you do things like mark your stop on a bus route and get a text when you’re a block away, thought if Sandra Bullock is driving, that’s probably the least of your worries.

Pestering: Geonotes also allows you to leave locale-based messages for app-using friends, hopefully along the lines of “Nice haircut, Ross. Even a monkey couldn’t make you cool.”

Socialness: The app also allows third party “layers”, meaning you can do things like automatically check in on foursquare without touching your phone, though obviously double bounces still aren’t allowed.

Read more:

Geoloqi wins the mobile showcase at AppNation San Francisco!

Mobile App Competition

This week the Geoloqi team attended APPNATION and presented at AppCircus, a global open app showcase. We learned about the conference from Di-Ann Eisnor and had very little time to prepare our presentation for the event.

Lots of Apps!

The competition had a lot of great ideas and it was wonderful to see them. All were successful apps in many different fields. Our two favorites were GitBax, an app that helps you “get back” to those you meet, and OpenSignalMaps, an app for finding mobile signals around town.

The next morning Geoloqi was called to the stage and awarded a $1,500 cash prize on behalf of APPNATION. Geoloqi was also entered into consideration for a presentation at Mobile World Expo in Barcelona, Spain next year.

APPNATION, San Francisco!

APPNATION was a great conference! We learned a great deal and got to meet a ton of amazing people. The presentations were chock full of information and the expo floor companies were very relevant and useful to talk to. We have Di-Ann Eisnor to thank for telling us about the conference, and the conference organizers for putting on such a great event.

Much more to come!

Thanks to everyone who attended the event, helped us to prepare and supported Geoloqi in general. If you’d like to get news more quickly follow Geoloqi on Twitter!

MapAttack Weekend Timelapse Footage!

Aaron Parecki created a visualization of the territory captured by each team during gameplay. Below is a visualization of the GPS trails of the players during the games. Each dot represents a snapshot of the position of each player taken every 1-10 seconds.

Some of the players experienced interesting events, such as seeing a marching band with Stanford students dressed as pine trees play on campus. Another player found something even more interesting:

Final Game Results

Again, red completely won over blue! It was an epic battle filled with kids and bikes and many points.

You can see a replay of the games in the video below!

MapAttack at WhereCamp 2011 from aaronpk on Vimeo. Thanks to Sam Churchill for contributing video footage!

Bring MapAttack to your city, school or company!

Want to bring a game to your school or company? Contact us at mapattack at geoloqi dot com or here and we’ll be glad to help you out! You can also follow @playmapattack on Twitter for the latest games and news! We’ll be bringing it to more campuses and cities starting in June 2011.

Giant Thanks!

Again, giant thanks to Aaron Parecki and Kyle Drake for development and Patrick Arlt for design. Enormous thanks to Reid Beels and Audrey Eschright for helping keep the server stable during Friday’s game! Making a game like this has been a dream of mine since WhereCamp Portland 2008. It’s great to see it come to life!


Fri Apr 22 2011, 3:15pm

By caseorganic




Results from the MapAttack at Stanford University!

This morning a bunch of us at WhereCamp headed out to play MapAttack, a game based on the Geoloqi platform. Players subscribed to the MapAttack layer in the Geoloqi app and were assigned to a red or blue team. 

The game quickly progressed as people rushed out to collect dots. Some, riding on bikes, grabbed points faster than others. Others, like @paigesaez, aimed for large points, finding and capturing 50 point dots before anyone else.

Mobile App

Here’s what the MapAttack game looked like on the phone. The leaderboard updated in real time, and everyone’s locations and movements could be seen. The fierce battle between red and blue teams progressed over time.

A Rush to the Finish

Red dominated in the lead over Blue through most of the game.

One of the players who got most of the red team’s points on the map told us a story of how one of the points was stuck in the middle of a construction site. He went up the construction worked and asked him if he could carry the phone into the site and hold it there until the point was received. That led to an interesting discussion on real-life apps and games between him and the worker. Had he not been playing the game, he would not have had the conversation or even talked to the worker.

Red won the game! You can see the end state of the game here!

Drawing pictures with GPS

@mpanighetti and @aaronpk went out to draw the word Where on a part of the Stanford University campus. They cranked up the tracker and ran around in the shape of the word.

There have been a bunch of pieces of GPS art created with the Geoloqi app. If you have one, send it to us at art at geoloqi dot com! We’ll put it up in a gallery in the future!
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks to everyone who played and worked on the app. We can’t wait to improve it and bring it to more people! You can keep up on future games by following @playmapattack.