
Fri May 6 2011, 10:10am

By caseorganic




Geoloqi covered on Thrillist

Thrillist covered Geoloqi today, highlighting a bunch of fun use cases such as the following:

Drinking: Set up a pub crawl and share your journey with buddies who can see where you’re at on the route at any given moment, and join you before you slip into Amnesia.

Bus Napping: A function called Geonotes lets you do things like mark your stop on a bus route and get a text when you’re a block away, thought if Sandra Bullock is driving, that’s probably the least of your worries.

Pestering: Geonotes also allows you to leave locale-based messages for app-using friends, hopefully along the lines of “Nice haircut, Ross. Even a monkey couldn’t make you cool.”

Socialness: The app also allows third party “layers”, meaning you can do things like automatically check in on foursquare without touching your phone, though obviously double bounces still aren’t allowed.

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