Today we launched the Geoloqi module for the Titanium platform, an easy way to add location to Titanium applications. This is a great step forward for location services. For the first time, Appcelerator’s 1.6 million developers have access to advanced geolocation tools and services right from their home base. Below is a sample of the press coverage we received today.
“The two companies have been cozied up for a few months already. Now, they’re giving devs a two-month trial to test drive Geoloqi on Appcelerator’s Titanium 2.0 platform. In a word, this means better location tools will be available for more kinds of apps, and they’ll be easier to use for a wider range of developers.” – Jolie O’Dell
“The partnership has the potential to kickstart a lot more location-aware apps. Appcelerator has 1.6 million iOS and Android developers, who use Titanium to create apps. Now, they can drop in Appcelerator’s tool kit into their apps to enable geo-triggered events.” – Ryan Kim
“Writing a location based mobile application is not easy. Often people think it is about getting a latitude / longitude and providing some context aware data/action based on the retrieved location. One of the frequent complaints from users of location based applications is their high battery consumption and also lack of accurate contextual data. With Geoloqi taking care of this in their module, developers can hope to focus on their application functionality.” – Romin Irani
“Thanks to the new Geoloqi module, developers can now create geo-triggered events in their applications. This, says Appcelerator, will allow its developers to create apps that make use of geofencing and can, for example, send users a push notification when they cross the border into or out of a geofenced zone.” – Frederic Lardinois
“If you take one look at the state of location apps, you should see that there’s a distinct need for something like this. The last year is littered with the remains of location apps that didn’t work, drained battery, pushed too many notifications, or too few. “While it’s not impossible to get good accuracy and battery life, it’s like doing your taxes – nobody wants to do their taxes,” says Case. Founders and developers (often one in the same) get caught up promoting and designing an app, sometimes failing to do the dirty work — and Geoloqi is more than happy to lay a foundation for them.” – Molly McHugh
“Geoloqi is an embedded solution that lays down the ground work for just about any location-based service, whether it’s a Foursquare clone or an enterprise app. And today the platform reached a very significant milestone – it’s now an add-on in Titanium 2.0.” – Maria Deutscher
“”Appcelerator customers have been asking for a true, dependable geolocation solution and location-based analytics platform, and we found one in Geoloqi,” said Jeff Haynie, CEO of Appcelerator. “It’s the first geolocation platform that enables individualized geo-triggered events within an application. This powerful toolkit is an essential addition to our app development marketplace, and we’re excited to offer Geoloqi technology to our customers.” –
“Although Appcelerator already offered some basic location-based services like check-ins through the company’s new Appcelerator Cloud Services, developers using Geoloqi’s API can set up pre-determined location zones called geofences and enable location-triggered events in their Titanium-built apps. This enable apps to perform more sophisticated location-based tasks, such as sending a registered customer a push notification with a coupon attached as soon as they enter a store.” – Kathleen De Vere
“What’s Appcelerator? Well, it is the “first mobile platform to combine the flexibility of open source development technologies with the power of cloud services.” Pretty cool right? Well, now it’s even cooler. Because it’s been Geoloqized.” – Rick Turoczy
Press Release
PORTLAND, OR – May 22, 2012 – Geoloqi, a powerful platform for next-generation location-based services, today announced the availability of the Geoloqi module for Appcelerator’s Titanium 2.0 platform. Geoloqi’s API and complete toolkit enable persistent location awareness with very minimal impact to battery consumption, so applications can truly behave in a context-aware manner. Its robust geolocation capabilities are now available to Appcelerator’s global network of over 1.6 million Titanium iOS and Android developers.
Additionally, Geoloqi has made customizable geo-triggered events possible for the first time ever, which allow push messages and events to be directed to a single end-user at the moment that they cross into a geofence (a location zone that triggers a push notification or other action), dwell within it or depart the zone for a host of next-generation uses. Geoloqi also enables persistent/ambient background location tracking, and transitions smoothly between location sources such as carrier signals, GPS, Wifi and indoor tracking systems. The platform also provides rich location and dwell-time analytics, giving customers the ability to analyze location data for the first time. Its advanced security settings with easy opt-in and opt-out features ensure safety and privacy practices are automatically updated at any time.

“Appcelerator customers have been asking for a true, dependable geolocation solution and location-based analytics platform, and we found one in Geoloqi,” said Jeff Haynie, CEO of Appcelerator. “It’s the first geolocation platform that enables individualized geo-triggered events within an application. This powerful toolkit is an essential addition to our app development marketplace, and we’re excited to offer Geoloqi technology to our customers.”
“Appcelerator has been a fantastic partner, with a very impressive set of tools. We are thrilled to be enabling their developer base with the power of next-generation location services for their applications and look forward to unleashing the power of the creative commons with powerful, easy-to-use location features,” said Amber Case, Geoloqi CEO and co-founder.
Appcelerator is sponsoring a two-month free trial for all Titanium developers that register and download the Geoloqi Titanium module between now and June 30, 2012. To begin your free trial today, visit http://loqi.me/titanium.

About Geoloqi
Geoloqi is a powerful platform for real-time location based services, and makes it simple for enterprise partners, OEMs and mobile developers to quickly add rich geolocation functionality to apps and devices. It provides a complete, real-time toolkit for tracking, messaging, battery management, geofencing, storage and actionable analytics, with a language agnostic SDK and proprietary API. Founded in 2011, Geoloqi is based in Portland, OR and backed by the Portland Seed Fund and TIE. For more information on Geoloqi, please visit http://www.geoloqi.com or follow Geoloqi on Twitter.
About Appcelerator
Appcelerator’s Titanium is the leading mobile platform of choice for thousands of companies seizing the mobile opportunity. With more than 40,000 applications deployed on 50 million devices, Appcelerator’s award-winning Titanium Platform leverages over 5,000 mobile device and operating system APIs to create native iOS, Android, and HTML5 mobile web apps. Customers who standardize on the Titanium Platform get to market 70% faster and can quickly optimize business results with analytics-driven insights into user behavior and app performance. Open and fully extensible, Titanium makes it easy to integrate data, content and services from a variety of sources into mobile applications to leverage best-of-breed capabilities. Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS) provides instant social, location, communication and content features for user-centric mobility. Appcelerator’s worldwide ecosystem includes 300,000 mobile developers and hundreds of ISVs and integration partners. To learn more visit www.appcelerator.com.